Experiments 2

The majority of bubble film experiments in the period 1993-1995 were performed on electromechanical apparatus where one side of the geometric frame was fixed. A variable speed AC motor drove a rod attached to the hinged bubble frame. Other apparatus (see photo-Experiments) included acoustically driven modes of vibration with supporting stand.


The following frames show the wide variety of hydrodynamic gravitational phenomenon recorded from these experiments of curved and flat bubble films. Videos include rotating spiral density waves.

Evolving large ring and nucleus

inflow of fluids in rotating 3-arm spiral changing to 2-arm system


evolution of 3-arm system to 2-arm (note-angularity of arms)


rotating 'propellers'

more propellers and rotating rayed nucleus structure

rotating stars in curved pentagonal frame and oscillating fluids in 7-sided flat frame


 oscillating multiple bubbles and micro-bubble films

colliding fluid streams in bubble film

more colliding streams 

colliding nuclei (without any interaction)


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